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- Fixed Battleground Team Balancing Bug
- FixedBattleground Visual Bug when get kicked
- Fixed Battleground Memberlist Error Fix
- Fixed Grimtooth Delay Bug
- Fixed Force Be With You skill. Now it does not work in all class.
- Fixed Sith’s Projection sometimes leaves a hidden shadow/remnant behind.
- Fixed Sharp Shooting can now critical
- Fixed Force Duplicate targetting, that prevents single target skills.
- Fixed Jedi’s Sacrifice bug in HP/Stats
- Fixed anti-NDL codes – This code was not working properly. For example it was adding delay to Grimtooth; it was suppose to add delay to Sonic Blow.
- Lumberjack & Mining – Applied Equip Block to lumberjack and mining. Now, a proper code is in place to prevent players from exploiting this bug.
- Fixed WOE Points.
- Fixed KOE mapflags.
- Merged with latest rAthena